*WARNING, Luffshop IS NOT A TINFOIL SHOP. It does NOT host games. Luffshop adds other available tinfoil shops automatically, so you don't need to add each shop manually and automatically updates links if the shop are added/updated. The author of Luffshop is NOT responsible for anythings found on TINFOIL by adding this Forwarder.
Also, Devshop (a mirror of Luffshop) and other mirror shops are not made and supported by the author of Luffshop. Some of them are lack of maintainence so users should be careful if you want to use them.
Extract the contents to the root of your SD card. (Overwrite if necessary)
Open Tinfoil, Luffshop will load automatically.
Q: I have already added Luffshop, but why no shop is loaded?
A: This usually occurs when the time of your switch does not the same as the real-time. Please use switch-time to adjust the time of your switch. Or The shops you are trying to access could be down currently.
Q: I can't open tinfoil... :(
A: Make sure that you install the latest Sigpatches in your switch and are booting with fusee.bin instead of hekate. Then try to reinstall tinfoil.
Q: network error 7 occurs?
A: Maybe it is a poor network connection. If you are using a LAN cable, you can try to reinsert it.
alternative shop link backup (You don't need to add them one by one if you add Luffshop)
# teknik
Protocol: https
Host: teknik.app
Username: shop
Password: [key_goes_here]
Title: teknik
* get access key from their discord (https://discord.com/invite/teknik)
---Backup of shops that have different functions---
# jits (works with your own gdrive if you follow https://games.jits.cc/account#instructions )
Protocol: https
Host: games.jits.site
Path: shop
Title: jits
# Ecchi firmware archives (Download all of switch firmware from tinfoil)
Protocol: https
Host: e.cchi.me
Path: firmware.tfl
Title: EFA
# Ecchi's archive (Download save file and install into your switch)(auto-added by tinfoil, has the latest supported firmware file only)
Protocol: https
Host: e.cchi.me
Title: ESA
Страница Luffshop by carcaschoi English Articles In Foreign languages Коды, Пароли, Секреты, Чит-Коды и Статьи
Если в сборнике нет кодов / паролей к игре, и вы желаете их добавить., перейдите в раздел, нажав кнопку: Добавить. Мы будем вам признательны за наполнение сборника кодов. Желаем вам хорошего настроения и ностальгии. Retro-Bit.ru
If you know cheat codes, secrets, hints, glitches or other level guides, that can help others leveling up, then please: Submit your Cheats. and share your insights and experience with other gamers. Thank you from Retro-Bit.ru
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