}) Bomberman II (Part 1) Nes Guides Коды, Пароли, Секреты, Чит-Коды и Статьи | Retro-Bit

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Bomberman II (Part 1)

Guide and Walkthrough (NES) by Dinob0t Bomberman II (Part 1)

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** FAQ Version 1.2 **
** Copyright 2005 Chris Castiglione (dinobotmaximized) **
** Email: dinobotmaximized (at) yahoo (dot) com **
** **

1. Introduction
2. Version History
3. Controls
4. Power-ups
5. Enemies
6. Modes
7. Area 1-1
8. Area 2-1
9. Area 3-1
10. Area 4-1
11. Area 5-1
12. Area 6-1
13. Sound Room
14. Passwords
15. Thanks and Credits
16. Legal

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** ** ** ** 1. Introduction ** ** ** **
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This FAQ was made for Bomberman II for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This 
is my first non in-depth FAQ. There are three modes of play in this game. The 
Normal Game consists of 6 Areas, each with eight stages. In each Areas section 
I've listed everything I could think of regarding each respective stage. 
There's also two multi-player modes, one for two players, and one for three. 

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** ** ** ** 2. Version History ** ** ** **
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1.0 - January 6, 2005

1.1 - February 1, 2005
Added more text to the modes section, and fixed format errors.

1.2 - December 26, 2005 
Added a Passwords section, reformatted, and made some other small changes. 

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** ** ** ** 3. Controls ** ** ** **
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A Button: Drop Bombs

B Button: Detonate Bombs(when you have a Detonator)

Start Button: Pause/Unpause game

D-Pad: Move Bomberman

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** ** ** ** 4. Power-ups ** ** ** **
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Flame: Increases the width of your bomb's explosions.

$ sign: Gives you 1600 points.

Detonator: Bombs will explode only when you press the B button.

Bomb Increaser: Increases the number of bombs you can have on screen by one.

Bomberman: Makes your next area a Bonus Stage.

Running Bomberman: Gives Bomberman an extra life.

? Mark: Gives you 3200 points or makes Bomberman invincible for 15 seconds.

Skate: Makes Bomberman move faster.

Invincible Bomberman: Makes Bomberman invulnerable to bomb blasts for 15 

Vest: Makes you invulnerable to bomb blasts for 30 seconds.

Brick: Allows Bomberman to move through bricks.

Bomb Walkthrough: Allows Bomberman to walk through bombs.

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** ** ** ** 5. Enemies ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** (in order of first appearance) ** ** ** **
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Orange Enemy 1: Looks like a balloon. From start to end of Normal Mode, you'll 
encounter 43 of them(not including Bonus Stages). They move fairly slow and 
straight, turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Blue Enemy 1: Looks like a bouncing blob. From start to end of Normal Mode, 
you'll encounter 9 of them. They're not that fast, move straight and turn 
occasionally. They move through bricks. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 1: Looks like a mop head. From start to end of Normal Mode, you'll 
encounter 22 of them. They are not that fast, move straight and turn 
occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

White Enemy 1: Looks like a ghost. From start to end of Normal Mode, you'll 
encounter 12 of them. They move slowly and very sporadically. They can move 
through bricks and teleport from time to time to time. One blast each will take 
care of them.

Orange Enemy 2: Looks like a mask with white triangles on each side. From start 
to end of Normal Mode, you'll encounter 58 of them. They're not that fast, move 
straight and turn occasionally. They will follow you if you get too close. One 
blast each will take care of them.

Blue Enemy 2: Looks like a little flying dragon. From start to end of Normal 
Mode, you'll encounter 31 of them. They move slowly and always follow you. They 
can move through bricks. One blast each will take care of them.

Orange Enemy 3: Looks like a spinning coin. From start to end of Normal Mode, 
you'll encounter 11 of them. They move kind of fast, straight and turn
occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Orange Enemy 4: Looks like a bouncing ball with hair. From start to end of 
Normal Mode, you'll encounter 12 of them. They move slow and straight, turning 
occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 2: Looks like a mop. From start to end of Normal Mode, you'll 
encounter 15 of them. They're not too fast, move straight and turn 
occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 3: Looks like a deranged frog. From start to end on Normal Mode, 
you'll encounter 15 of them. They move slow and sporadically. One blast each 
will take care of them

Blue Enemy 3: Looks like a circle. From start to end on Normal Mode, 
you'll encounter 14 of them. They're not that fast and move sporadically. They 
can move through bricks. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 4: Looks like fake teeth and jaw. From start to end on Normal Mode, 
you'll encounter 16 of them. They move fast and straight, turning occasionally. 
Will follow you if you get too close. One blast each will take care of them.

Blue Enemy 4: Looks like a rounded mountain peek. From start to end on Normal 
Mode, you'll encounter 18 of them. They move fast and sporadically. One Blast 
each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 5: Looks like a frog. From start to end on Normal Mode, you'll 
encounter 16 of them. They move kind of fast, straight and turn occasionally. 
They turns into bombs and explode periodically. One blast each will take care 
of them.

Blue Enemy 5: Looks like a spinning top. From start to end on Normal Mode, 
you'll encounter 12 of them. They move fast, straight and turn occasionally. 
One blast each will take care of them.

White Enemy 2: Looks like a ghost with a green mask over it's eyes. From start 
to end on Normal Mode, you'll encounter 16 of them. They move slowly and 
sporadically. Speeds up and chases you if you get too close. One blast each 
will take care of them.

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** ** ** ** 6. Modes ** ** ** **
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Normal mode is the normal level by level game mode. You kill the enemies,
destroy bricks, uncover the power-up and door from under the bricks. Enter the 
door after killing all your enemies and finding the power-up, and you're off 
to the next level to do the same. Fourty-eight areas of that and one Bonus 
Stage you can access 6 times, is all there is to Normal mode. Just Make sure 
not to blast the door and power-ups because they cause more enemies to appear.
I didn't mention the brick and enemy layout of each area because they appear 

Vs Mode - Two player mode, where your goal is to blow up the other player's 
Bomberman, whoever does so five times first wins.

Battle Mode - Three player mode, where your goal is to blow up the 2 other 
players'Bombermen, you'll need a multi tap for this.

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** ** ** ** 7. Area 1-1 ** ** ** **
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Password: KKKFKJKO
Time limit: 200 seconds
Number of enemies: 3
Destroyable Bricks: 25
Power-up found: Flame (Increases the width of your bomb's explosions)

Orange Enemy 1: There are three of them, they move fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Area 1-2 *********************************************************************
Password: EEGJEBEE
Time limit: 200 seconds
Number of enemies: 4 
Destroyable Bricks: 25
Power-up found: $ Sign (Gives you 1600 points)

Orange Enemy 1: There are three of them, they move fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Blue Enemy 1: There's just one of these, it's not that fast, it moves straight 
and turns occasionally. It moves through bricks. One blast will take care of 

Area 1-3 *********************************************************************
Password: MMJKMOLM
Time limit: 200 seconds
Number of enemies: 4
Destroyable Bricks: 36
Power-up found: Flame (Increases the width of your bomb's explosions)

Orange Enemy 1: There are two of them, they move fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Blue Enemy 1: There's just one of these, it's not that fast, it moves straight 
and turns occasionally. It moves through bricks. One blast will take care of 

Green Enemy 1: There's just one of these, it's not that fast, it moves straight 
and turns occasionally. One blast will take care of it.

Area 1-4 *********************************************************************
Password: MMDHMJJJ
Time limit: 200 seconds
Number of enemies: 5
Destroyable Bricks: 36
Power-up found: Detonator (Bombs will explode only when you press the B 

Orange Enemy 1: There are four of them, they move fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

White Enemy 1: There's just one of these. It moves slowly and very 
sporadically. It can move through bricks and teleports from time to time to 
time. One blast each will take care of it. 
Area 1-5 *********************************************************************
Password: DDGCDFLN
Time limit: 300 seconds
Number of enemies: 5
Destroyable Bricks: 51
Power-up found: Bomb Increaser (Increases the number of bombs you can have on 
screen by one)

Green Enemy 1: There are two of them, they are not that fast, move straight 
and turns occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Blue Enemy 1: There's just one of these, it's not that fast, it moves straight 
and turns occasionally. It moves through bricks. One blast will take care of 

White Enemy 1: There are two of them. They move slowly and very sporadically. 
They can move through bricks and teleport from time to time to time. One blast 
each will take care of them. 

Area 1-6 *********************************************************************
Password: BBMAAKGA
Time limit: 300 seconds
Number of enemies: 8
Destroyable Bricks: 51
Power-up found: Bomberman (Makes your next area a Bonus Stage)

Orange Enemy 1: There are four of them, they move fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Blue Enemy 1: There are two of them, they're not that fast, move straight 
and turns occasionally. They move through bricks. One blast each will take 
care of them.

White Enemy 1: There are two of them. They move slowly and very sporadically. 
They can move through bricks and teleport from time to time to time. One blast 
each will take care of them. 

Bonus Stage ******************************************************************
Password: none
Time limit: 30 seconds
Number of enemies: Infinite
Destroyable Bricks: 0
Power-up found: Running Bomberman 

Orange Enemy 1: There are an infinite number of them, they move fairly slow 
and straight, turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them. You 
have 30 seconds to kill as many as you can, Bomberman cannot die during this 
stage. Also a Bomberman identical to you will run across the stage, run into 
him for an extra life.

Area 1-7 *********************************************************************
Password: CCIDPMNI
Time limit: 300 seconds
Number of enemies: 6
Destroyable Bricks: 51
Power-up found: Flame (Increases the width of your bomb's explosions)

Orange Enemy 1: There are four of them, they move fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Orange Enemy 2: There are two of them, they're not that fast, move straight and 
turn occasionally. They will follow you if you get too close. One blast each 
will take care of them.

Area 1-8 *********************************************************************
Password: MMGLLCDI
Time limit: 300 seconds
Number of enemies: 7
Destroyable Bricks: 51
Power-up found: Detonator (Bombs will explode only when you press the B 

White Enemy 1: There are two of them. They move slowly and very sporadically. 
They can move through bricks and teleport from time to time to time. One blast 
each will take care of them. 

Blue Enemy 1: There are two of them, they're not that fast, move straight 
and turns occasionally. They move through bricks. One blast each will take 
care of them.

Blue Enemy 2: There's just one of these, it moves slowly and always follow you. 
It can move through bricks. One blast will take care of it.

Orange Enemy 2: There are two of them, they're not that fast, move straight 
and turn occasionally. They will follow you if you get too close. One blast 
each will take care of them.
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** ** ** ** 8. Area 2-1 ** ** ** **
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Password: IHINHLFC
Time limit: 150 seconds
Number of enemies: 4
Destroyable Bricks: 36
Power-up found: Skate (Makes Bomberman move faster)

Orange Enemy 1: There are four of them, they move fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them. 

Orange Enemy 3: There's just one of these, it moves kind of fast, straight and 
turns occasionally. One blast will take care of it.

Orange Enemy 4: There's just one of these, it moves slow and straight, turning 
occasionally. One blast will take care of it.

Area 2-2 *********************************************************************
Password: GEEPEJAO
Time limit: 250 seconds
Number of enemies: 5
Destroyable Bricks: 52
Power-up found: Bomb Increaser (Increases the number of bombs you can have on 
screen by one)
Orange Enemy 1: There are two of them, they move fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them. 

Orange Enemy 4: There are two of them, they move slow and straight, turning 
occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 2: There's just one of them, it not too fast, moves straight and 
turns occasionally. One blast will take care of it.

Area 2-3 *********************************************************************
Password: NKCPCBPC
Time limit: 150 seconds
Number of enemies: 7
Destroyable Bricks: 36
Power-up found: Invincible Bomberman (Makes Bomberman invulnerable to bomb 
blasts for 15 seconds)

Blue Enemy 2: There are three of them, they move slowly and always follow you. 
They can move through bricks. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 1: There are two of them, they are not that fast, move straight 
and turns occasionally. One blast each will take care of them. 

Green Enemy 2: There are two of them, they are not that fast, move straight and 
turn occasionally. One blast each will take of them.

Area 2-4 *********************************************************************
Password: ABGPEJGI
Time limit: 250 seconds
Number of enemies: 7
Destroyable Bricks: 77
Power-up found: Detonator (Bombs will explode only when you press the B 

Orange Enemy 2: There are two of them, they're not that fast, move straight 
and turn occasionally. They will follow you if you get too close. One blast 
each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 2: There are three of them, they are not that fast, move straight 
and turn occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Orange Enemy 4: There are two of them, they move slow and straight, turning 
occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.
Area 2-5 *********************************************************************
Password: NKIHCBPC
Time limit: 150 seconds
Number of enemies: 6
Destroyable Bricks: 36
Power-up found: Bomb Increaser (Increases the number of bombs you can have on 
screen by one)

Orange Enemy 1: There's just one of these, it moves fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast will take care of it.

Green Enemy 1: There's just one of these, it's not that fast, it moves straight 
and turns occasionally. One blast will take care of it.

Green Enemy 2: There are two of them, they are not that fast, move straight and 
turn occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Orange Enemy 4: There are two of them, they move slow and straight, turning 
occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Area 2-6 *********************************************************************
Password: FOCKIOIJ
Time limit: 250 seconds
Number of enemies: 9
Destroyable Bricks: 49
Power-up found: Bomberman (Makes your next area a Bonus Stage)

Orange Enemy 1: There are two of them, they move fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 1: There's just one of these, it's not that fast, it moves straight 
and turns occasionally. One blast will take care of it.

Green Enemy 2: There are two of them, they are not that fast, move straight and 
turn occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Blue Enemy 2: There are two of them, they move slowly and always follow you. 
They can move through bricks. One blast each will take care of them.

Orange Enemy 4: There are two of them, they move slow and straight, turning 
occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Bonus Stage ******************************************************************
Password: none
Time limit: 30 seconds
Number of enemies: Infinite
Destroyable Bricks: 0
Power-up found: Running Bomberman 

Orange Enemy 1: There are an infinite number of them, they move fairly slow 
and straight, turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them. You 
have 30 seconds to kill as many as you can, Bomberman cannot die during this 
stage. Also a Bomberman identical to you will run across the stage, run into 
him for an extra life.

Area 2-7 *********************************************************************
Password: HIPPOEOD
Time limit: 150 seconds 
Number of enemies: 5
Destroyable Bricks: 36
Power-up found: Flame (Increases the width of your bomb's explosions)

Green Enemy 1: There's just one of these, it's not that fast, it moves straight 
and turns occasionally. One blast will take care of it.

Blue Enemy 2: There are two of them, they move slowly and always follow you. 
They can move through bricks. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 2: There's just one of them, it not too fast, moves straight and 
turns occasionally. One blast will take care of it.

Orange Enemy 4: There's just one of these, it moves slow and straight, turning 
occasionally. One blast will take care of it.

Area 2-8 *********************************************************************
Password: CPHIKLOE
Time limit: 250 seconds 
Number of enemies: 8
Destroyable Bricks: 77
Power-up found: Bomb Increaser (Increases the number of bombs you can have on 
screen by one)

Green Enemy 2: There are two of them, they are not that fast, move straight 
and turn occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Orange Enemy 2: There are two of them, they're not that fast, move straight 
and turn occasionally. They will follow you if you get too close. One blast 
each will take care of them.

Orange Enemy 3: There are two of them, they move kind of fast, straight and 
turn occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Orange Enemy 4: There are two of them, they move slow and straight, turning 
occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

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** ** ** ** 9. Area 3-1 ** ** ** **
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Password: OIOACMCM
Time limit: 100 seconds 
Number of enemies: 4
Destroyable Bricks: 36
Power-up found: Detonator (Bombs will explode only when you press the B 

Orange Enemy 1: There are two of them, they move fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Orange Enemy 2: There's just one of them, it's not that fast, moves straight 
and turns occasionally. It will follow you if you get too close. One blast 
will take care of it.

Green Enemy 3: There's just one of them, it moves slow and sporadically. One 
blast will take care of it.

Area 3-2 *********************************************************************
Password: EAGAJLJE
Time limit: 200 seconds 
Number of enemies: 6
Destroyable Bricks: 102
Power-up found: Vest (Makes you invulnerable to bomb blasts for 30 seconds)

Orange Enemy 1: There are two of them, they move fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 1: There's just one of these, it's not that fast, it moves straight 
and turns occasionally. One blast will take care of it. 

Green Enemy 3: There are two of them, they move slow and sporadically. One 
blast each will take care of them.

Blue Enemy 3: There's just one of these, it not that fast and moves 
sporadically. Can move through bricks. One blast will take care of it.

Area 3-3 *********************************************************************
Password: IOOINJNJ
Time limit: 200 seconds 
Number of enemies: 6
Destroyable Bricks: 102
Power-up found: Brick (Allows Bomberman to move through bricks)

Orange Enemy 3: There are two of them, they move kind of fast, straight and 
turn occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 3: There are two of them, they move slow and sporadically. One 
blast each will take care of them. 

Blue Enemy 3: There are two of them, they're not that fast and move 
sporadically. Can move through bricks. One blast each will take care of them.

Area 3-4 *********************************************************************
Password: DLMEGMGE
Time limit: 200 seconds 
Number of enemies: 8
Destroyable Bricks: 102
Power-up found: Bomb Increaser (Increases the number of bombs you can have on 
screen by one)

Blue Enemy 2: There's just one of these, it moves slowly and always follow you. 
It can move through bricks. One blast will take care of it.

Orange Enemy 1: There are two of them, they move fairly slow and straight, 
turning occasionally. One blast each will take care of them.

Orange Enemy 2: There's just one of them, it's not that fast, moves straight 
and turns occasionally. It will follow you if you get too close. One blast 
will take care of it.

Blue Enemy 3: There are two of them, they're not that fast and move 
sporadically. Can move through bricks. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 3: There are two of them, they move slow and sporadically. One 
blast each will take care of them. 

Area 3-5 *********************************************************************
Password: FHPCCMPM
Time limit: 100 seconds 
Number of enemies: 6
Destroyable Bricks: 47
Power-up found: Flame (Increases the width of your bomb's explosions)

Orange Enemy 3: There's just of them, it moves kind of fast, straight and 
turn occasionally. One blast will take care of it.

Blue Enemy 2: There are two of them, they move slowly and always follow you. 
They can move through bricks. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 3: There are two of them, they move slow and sporadically. One 
blast each will take care of them. 

Blue Enemy 3: There's just one of these, it not that fast and moves 
sporadically. Can move through bricks. One blast will take care of it.

Area 3-6 *********************************************************************
Password: HFNHNEKI
Time limit: 200 seconds
Number of enemies: 8
Destroyable Bricks: 102
Power-up found: Bomberman (Makes your next area a Bonus Stage)

Orange Enemy 2: There are two of them, they're not that fast, move straight 
and turn occasionally. They will follow you if you get too close. One blast 
each will take care of them.

Blue Enemy 2: There are two of them, they move slowly and always follow you. 
They can move through bricks. One blast each will take care of them.

Green Enemy 3: There are two of them, they move slow and sporadically. One 
blast each will take care of them. 

Blue Enemy 3: There are two of them, they're not that fast and move 
sporadically. Can move through bricks. One blast each will take care of them.
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Категория: Nes | Добавил: EmeraldGP (28.03.2023)
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