}) The Addams Family – House Map Snes, Super Nintendo Guides Коды, Пароли, Секреты, Чит-Коды и Статьи | Retro-Bit

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The Addams Family – House Map

Guide for game The Addams Family – House Map

The Addams Family (SNES) House Map v2.0
Written by Rydain Darkstar <rydain@gmail.com>
Last Revised May 23, 2016

 Table of Contents

 1) Introduction [INTRO]
 2) Legend [LEGEND]
 3) Main Mansion [MANSION]
 4) Underground [UNDERGROUND]
 5) Kitchen [KITCHEN]
 6) Oven [OVEN]
 7) Conservatory [CONSERVATORY]
 8) Games Room [GAMESROOM]
 9) Graveyard [GRAVEYARD]
 10) Gallery [GALLERY]
 11) Dungeon [DUNGEON]
 12) Revision History [REVISIONS]
 13) Credits [CREDITS]
 14) Legal Junk [LEGAL]

 1) Introduction [INTRO]

 This is my attempt to map the Addams manse. More precisely, it's a collection
 of diagrams that shows how the rooms connect to one another. Why did I bother
 making this thing, you ask? Well, after all these years, this is still one of
 my all-time favorite games. One of the reasons I like it so much is that it 
 has an unusually huge, expansive map. Writing it out is fun for me and
 possibly useful to someone who wants to explore without getting confused as 
 all hell.
 To simplify the map, I've split the house into sections. It's essentially a
 bunch of areas that branch from a central hub. Though some of these areas
 connect to each other, they can be described and diagrammed separately.
 Each map section includes notes on how to get to the hidden rooms in that 
 area - that is, rooms whose entrances are not readily visible. All of the 
 others can be found by looking for doors or holes in the walls, floor, and 
 ceiling. If you want to locate the secrets yourself, I recommend skipping
 over these notes.
 This map contains all rooms listed in the game's data. You can verify by
 opening the ROM in a hex editor and reading the plain text list of rooms.

 2) Legend [LEGEND]


 | | Room in the current section of the map.

 :- - - - -:
 | | Room in a different section of the map.
 :- - - - -:

 ----------- Standard passage between rooms.

 --------->> One-way passage between rooms. In this case, it is physically
 impossible to go back the way you came. There may not be a
 return entrance, or the entrance may lead to a different area.
 Some normal passages are one-way in a sense because you can't 
 jump back through the hole you fell down. However, it's 
 possible to return with a Fezi-copter.
 [0] Note explaining a hidden passage, unusual room connection, or
 other item of interest.


 3) Main Mansion [MANSION]


 o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o
 | East Chimney 1 | .---| The Big Pit |---. | East Chimney 2 |
 o------------------o | o------------------o | o------------------o
 | | | |
 |[2] | | [2]|
 | | | [3] |
 o------------------o | :- - - - - - - - - : | o------------------o
 | |<<' | | '--| |
 | | | | | |
 | Addams Residence |------| The Underground |---->>| Deja Vu |
 | | | | | | 
 | |--. | | .--| |
 o------------------o | :- - - - - - - - - : | o------------------o
 | | | |
 |[2] | | [2]|
 | | | |
 o------------------o | o------------------o | o------------------o
 | West Chimney 1 | '---| |<<-' | West Chimney 2 |
 o------------------o | | o------------------o
 | |
 :- - - - - - - - - : | | :- - - - - - - - - : 
 | The Games Room |------| Hall |------| The Kitchen |
 :- - - - - - - - - : | | :- - - - - - - - - : 
 | of |
 :- - - - - - - - - : | | o------------------o 
 | Portrait Gallery |------| Stairs |------| The Music Room |
 :- - - - - - - - - : | | o------------------o 
 | |
 o------------------o | | :- - - - - - - - - :
 | The Old Tree |------| |------| The Conservatory |
 o------------------o o------------------o :- - - - - - - - - :
 | Pugsley's Den |
 o------------------o | o------------------o
 | The Cloak Room | | | The Hat Room |
 o------------------o | o------------------o
 | | | | 
 | | | |
 o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o
 | The 1-Up Room |---->>| Behind Stairs |------| Take Heart |
 o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o
 | |
 | |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 | Training Shoes | | Sports Hall |
 o------------------o o------------------o


 [1] The Big Pit resembles rooms in the underground region, but it is not 
 actually part of the underground. It only connects to both faces of
 the Addams mansion.

 [2] East/West Chimney - Stand on a chimney and duck. Each face of the
 mansion has a different version of these rooms.

 [3] Deja Vu is the other face of the mansion. The front door leads to the
 Hall of Stairs. If you backtrack, you'll wind up in Addams Residence.

 [4] Pugsley's Den - Press UP underneath the lower left handing in Hall of 
 [5] Behind Stairs - Press UP on the top landing in Pugsley's Den.

 4) Underground [UNDERGROUND]
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o :- - - - - - - - - :
 | Addams Residence |------| The Underground |---->>| Deja Vu |
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o :- - - - - - - - - :
 | Going Down Under | 
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o 
 | The Old Tree |------| Under The Tree |
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o
 o------------------o o------------------o :- - - - - - - - - :
 | Sunken Stairs |------| Under Graveyard |------| The Graveyard |
 o------------------o o------------------o :- - - - - - - - - :
 5) Kitchen [KITCHEN]


 :- - - - - - - - - :
 | The Furnace |
 :- - - - - - - - - : 
 o------------------o [1] o------------------o [2] o------------------o
 | The Cookie Jar |------| Granny's Stove |------| Now That's Tasty |
 o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o 
 | Hall of Stairs |------| The Kitchen |<<-------------.
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o |
 | |
 o------------------o |
 | The Pantry | |
 o------------------o |
 | |
 o------------------o |
 | Penguin Problems | |
 o------------------o |
 | |
 o------------------o |
 | Slippery Slopes | |
 o------------------o |
 | |
 o------------------o |
 | The Icy Steps | |
 o------------------o |
 | |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 | Rolling Snowball | | The Slope Back |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 | |
 o------------------o [3] o------------------o o------------------o
 | The Cold Cash |------| The Ski Slopes |---->>| The Snowman | 
 o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o


 [1] The Cookie Jar - Walk into the alcove in the upper left corner of 
 Granny's Stove.
 [2] Now That's Tasty - Walk into the alcove in the upper right corner of 
 Granny's Stove.

 [3] The Cold Cash - Duck and slide into the right wall at the end of The 
 Ski Slopes.


 6) Oven [OVEN]


 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o o------------------o
 | Granny's Stove |------| The Furnace |------| Red Hot Maze |
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o o------------------o
 | |
 o------------------o |
 | The Grill |---------------'
 | The Hob |
 [1] o------------------o
 .---------| The Oven |
 | o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o
 | | Just Toast |
 | o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o
 | | Oven Baked |
 | o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o
 | | Stir Fried |
 | o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o
 | | River of Lava |
 | o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o
 | | Barbecued |
 | o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o o------------------o
 '------->>| The Last Oven |---->>| The Fire Dragon | 
 o------------------o o------------------o
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o
 | The Kitchen |<<------------------------------| Finished Furnace |
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o


 [1] Shortcut to The Last Oven - Do not hit the switch at the end of The 
 Oven. The exit will remain blocked. Jump into the wall above it.
 7) Conservatory [CONSERVATORY]

 :- - - - - - - - - : 
 | Hall of Stairs |
 :- - - - - - - - - :
 [1] | 
 o------------------o [2] o------------------o
 | |------| The Plant Plot |
 | | o------------------o
 .---------| The Conservatory |
 | | | [3] o------------------o
 | | |------| The Privet |
 | o------------------o o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o [4] o------------------o
 | | The Money Spider |------| The Spider's Den |
 | o------------------o o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o
 | | The Rose Room |
 | o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o [5] o------------------o
 | .---| Poison Ivy |------| Secret Garden |
 | | o------------------o o------------------o
 | | 
 | | o------------------o o------------------o
 | '---| |------| The Penny Falls |
 | [6] | | o------------------o
 | .->>| The Long Garden |
 | | | | :- - - - - - - - - :
 | | | |------| The Graveyard |
 | | o------------------o :- - - - - - - - - :
 | | 
 | | o------------------o o------------------o
 | '---| |------| Monster Garden |
 | | | o------------------o
 '---------| Thorn Pass | |
 | | |
 .---------| | |
 | o------------------o |
 | | |
 o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o
 | The Money Funnel | | Wormy Way |---->>| The Centipedes | 
 o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o


 [1] At each end of The Conservatory are hidden doors to the other end of
 the level, located underneath the platforms with the exit doors.
 [2] The Plant Plot (helloooo typo) - Find the first group of pots in the
 left end of The Conservatory. Duck into the rightmost pot.
 [3] The Privet - Walk left into a pillar with a shoe floating to its right.
 [4] The Spider's Den - At the top of The Money Spider, jump into the right
 wall above the spike.
 [5] Secret Garden - Near the top of Poison Ivy, look for a short ledge on
 the right wall with a longer ledge below it. Walk into the wall
 between those two ledges.
 [6] The lower door at the end of Thorn Pass leads to The Long Garden. If
 you backtrack, you wind up in Poison Ivy. You can walk back and forth
 between Poison Ivy and The Long Garden.
 8) Games Room [GAMESROOM]
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o
 | Hall of Stairs | | Rack Them Up |
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o
 | |
 | [3]|
 | |
 o------------------o [1] o------------------o o------------------o
 | The Games Room |------| The Toy Box |---->>| |
 o------------------o o------------------o [2] | The Rack |
 | .---| |
 '------------------. | o------------------o
 | |
 o------------------o | |
 | The Bonus Room | | |
 o------------------o | |
 | [4] | |
 o------------------o o------------------o |
 | Boom Boom Boom |------| | |
 o------------------o | | |
 | The Toy Tower 1 | |
 o------------------o | | |
 | Conker Cage |------| | |
 o------------------o o------------------o |
 | '------------------. |
 |[5] | |
 | [4] | |
 o------------------o o------------------o | o------------------o
 | The Spring Room | | The Toy Tower 2 |--' | Pugsley's Pipe |
 o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o
 | |
 | [7]|
 | |
 o------------------o [6] o------------------o o------------------o
 | The Money Box |------| The Playroom |---->>| Wacky Scientist |
 o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o
 :- - - - - - - - - : |
 | Hall of Stairs |<<---------------------------------------'
 :- - - - - - - - - :


 [1] The Toy Box - Stand on the door at the right end of The Games Room and
 press UP.

 [2] The right door in The Toy Box leads to The Rack. If you backtrack, you
 wind up in The Toy Tower.
 [3] Rack Them Up - Stand on the door at the right end of The Rack and 
 press UP.
 [4] The Toy Tower rooms look similar, but they are separate. There is no
 apparent way to go directly from one or the other. 
 Each tower has multiple floors. The main purpose of Boom Boom Boom, 
 Conker Cage, and The Rack is to get you from one floor to the next.
 There are hidden ropes on the sides of each Toy Tower, so you can skip
 these areas entirely. Jump into the ceiling and press UP.
 [5] The Spring Room - Stand on the door at the left end of Conker Cage and
 press Up.
 [6] The Money Box - Stand on the door at the right end of The Playroom and
 press UP.
 [7] Pugsley's Pipe - Stand on the pipe where Pugsley was and duck.


 9) Graveyard [GRAVEYARD]


 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o :- - - - - - - - - :
 | The Long Garden |------| The Graveyard |------| Under Graveyard |
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o :- - - - - - - - - :
 | |
 o------------------o [1] o------------------o
 | The Crypt |------| Upper Tomb |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 | | |
 | o------------------o [2] o------------------o
 | | Spooky Drop |------| Cryptic Climb |
 | o------------------o o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o
 | | The Arch Vault |
 | o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o
 | | Jester's Jump |
 | o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o [3] o------------------o
 | | The Stone Steps |---->>| Jester's Jewels |
 | o------------------o o------------------o
 | | |
 | o------------------o |
 | | The Crazy Crypt |---------------'
 | o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o
 | | The Firing Fish |
 | o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o
 | | Chamber of Walls |
 | o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o o------------------o
 | | The Ante-Room |---->>| A Ghastly Goblin |
 | o------------------o o------------------o
 | |
 | o------------------o
 '-----------------------------------| The Last Chamber |


 [1] At the right edge of The Crypt, hidden stairs lead to the Upper Tomb.

 [2] Cryptic Climb - At the bottom of Spooky Drop, leave the room and
 return. Jump in the wall to your left and walk left off the screen.
 [3] This is an unusual type of one-way door. The hole back to The Stone
 Steps is sealed by bricks, and there is no way to switch them off.

 10) Gallery [GALLERY]


 :- - - - - - - - - :
 .-------------->>| Hall of Stairs |
 | :- - - - - - - - - :
 [1] | | 
 o------------------o o------------------o 
 | The Dark Room |------| Portrait Gallery |
 o------------------o o------------------o 
 | |
 | o------------------o [2] o------------------o
 '-------------->>| The Armoury |------| The Trophy Room |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 o------------------o o------------------o
 | Hall of Clocks |------| The Clock Drop |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 o------------------o o------------------o
 | The Weaponry |------| The Closet |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 | Fly, Fly, Fly |
 o------------------o [3] o------------------o
 | Lower Gallery |------| The Bear's Mouth |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 o------------------o [4] o------------------o
 | The Library |------| The Top Shelf |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 o------------------o o------------------o [5] o------------------o
 | A Secret Panel |------| The Reading Room |------| A Very Good Read |
 o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o
 o------------------o [6] o------------------o
 | The Big Books |------| A Better Read |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 o------------------o o------------------o
 | The Train Room |---->>| The Witch |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o
 | Hall of Stairs |<<------------------------------| Fester's Prize |
 :- - - - - - - - - : o------------------o

 [1] The Dark Room is the Portrait Gallery in reverse, with no enemies and
 some extra cash. Its exits lead to the same rooms as those from the
 Portrait Gallery exits. Those exits return you to the Portrait Gallery
 when you reenter.
 [2] The Trophy Room - Near the end of The Armoury, you'll hit a switch that
 produces a large square of blocks. Stand on that square and jump off 
 to the left. Hit the correct spot to disappear into this secret room.
 [3] The Bear's Mouth - Walk left into the mouth of the only bear that isn't
 spitting smaller offspring.
 [4] The Top Shelf - Jump on the Thing box at the entrance to The Library to
 reach an alcove that you can walk through.
 [5] A Very Good Read - Press UP in front of the DOOR book.
 [6] A Better Read - Stand on the DROP IN book and duck.


 11) Dungeon [DUNGEON]


 o------------------o o------------------o 
 | Don't Go Down |---->>| |<<-------------.
 o------------------o | The Piranha Tank | |
 | .---| |<<---. |
 o------------------o | o------------------o | |
 | | | | | |
 | The Chain Room |<<' o------------------o | |
 | |------| Amazing Chains | | |
 o------------------o o------------------o | |
 | | | |
 :- - - - - - - - - : | | |
 | The Music Room | | | | 
 :- - - - - - - - - : | .---------' |
 | | |
 o------------------o [2] o------------------o o------------------o
 | Golden Chain |------| Hall of Chains |------| Turn Back |
 o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o
 .---| The Steps Down |
 | o------------------o
 | o------------------o o------------------o
 '->>| Chain of Coins |------| Last Refill |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 o------------------o [3] o------------------o
 | The Caves |------| Golfer's Prize |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 | Down Deeper |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 | The Catacombs |------| Rolling Stones |
 o------------------o o------------------o
 | The Mine Shaft |
 | The Big Cavern |
 | The Volcanoes |
 | To The River |
 .----------------------------| The Gondola |
 | o------------------o
 | o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o
 '>>| Addams' Vault |---->>| The Treasury |---->>| The Nasty Judge |
 o------------------o o------------------o o------------------o


 [1] The Piranha Tank is a room with a one-way hole in the ceiling and two
 doors. Any hole in the floor of a chain room area here will drop you 
 into that ceiling entrance. 
 The left door in the tank goes to The Chain Room. If you backtrack, it
 will take you to Amazing Chains. The right door is a standard passage 
 to Amazing Chains.
 [2] Golden Chain - Grab the chain almost directly above the Hall of Chains
 entrance. Climb up into the ceiling. Jump around and mash the D-pad
 until you disappear.
 [3] Golfer's Prize - Look for three dollars that form an arch on the lower
 level of The Caves. Stand under them and press UP.


 12) Revision History [REVISIONS]

 v2.1 5/23/2016 - Numbered the East and West Chimney rooms to clarify that
 they are different on each face of the mansion. Added a
 secret connection between The Crypt and Upper Tomb.

 v2.0 6/14/2008 - Overhauled the map. Changed my email address.
 v1.1 12/11/2002 - Added Golfer's Prize, Cryptic Climb, and a credits section
 and corrected a passage to The Big Pit. Added the lists 
 of hidden rooms. Made some formatting changes to some of
 the area maps so that they look neater.
 v1.0 6/22/2002 - Finished diagramming all the areas I was aware of.


 13) Credits [CREDITS]


 DDCecil and Proto_K for helping me find the entrances to some pesky secret 
 rooms: The Cold Cash, Cryptic Climb, and Golfer's Prize.

 Billy Greggory for pointing out the stairs between The Crypt and Upper Tomb
 and suggesting some improvements to nomenclature.


 14) Legal Junk [LEGAL]


 This map is copyright 2016 by Rydain Darkstar <rydain@gmail.com> Feel free to
 pass it around, put it on your website, print it out for future reference (or 
 kindling, toilet paper, or anything that floats your boat), et cetera, blah 
 blah blah, whatever. Just don't sell it or take credit for any of my work 
 expressed herein. 
© Retro-Bit.Ru
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Страница The Addams Family – House Map Snes, Super Nintendo Guides Коды, Пароли, Секреты, Чит-Коды и Статьи

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